Who are we?

Energizing the landscape since January 2020, Naleko propels forward as a dynamic IT software venture set to revolutionize the realm of Customer Relationship Management. Pioneering the charge, we're a rapidly ascending force in the domain, specializing in Salesforce implementation, tailored customization, and innovative application development. Our expertise spans across a myriad of industries—healthcare, finance, retail, banking, insurance, and beyond. Brace yourself for the future: Salesforce, our cornerstone, is your ally in seamlessly managing customer information and cultivating robust relationships. With a built-in AI prowess, it elevates your service, deciphering customer behaviors, preferences, and trends. Rooted in dedication, Naleko is unwavering in tailoring top-tier CRM solutions to your unique demands. We're fueled by the ardor to orchestrate thriving customer connections and ensure an unparalleled experience. Our creed rests on furnishing unfaltering, secure, and high-caliber technological solutions. Welcome to Naleko—a voyage of innovation and excellence.

At Naleko, we envision a CRM revolution. Our mission is to craft tailored solutions that empower businesses to nurture thriving customer connections. With Salesforce at our core, we lead the way in enhancing customer experiences, satisfaction, and success. Welcome to the forefront of CRM innovation.

Purposeful: We strive to have purpose and meaning behind all our decisions and actions, ensuring our software solutions are always focused on our customers’ needs.

Intentional & Consistent: We are intentional and consistent in our approach to software development and customer service, ensuring that our solutions are reliable and efficient.

Service: We are committed to providing excellent customer service, always putting our customers’ needs first

Collaborative: We believe in working together to create the best possible software solutions for our customers.

Learning: We are always striving to learn and improve, ensuring that our software solutions are at the cutting edge of technology

Understanding Our Clients:
At Naleko, we immerse ourselves in the distinct needs of our clients, crafting bespoke solutions that resonate with their uniqueness.

Embracing Technology:
Technology is our foremost tool for igniting change and advancement, propelling us to new heights of excellence.

Service Excellence:
Our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service is etched in our DNA, placing your needs at the forefront of everything we do.

Investing in Ourselves:
We make relentless investments in honing our skills to ensure our clients' satisfaction remains unwavering.

Always Available:
We stand by your side, 24/7, 365 days a year, ready to assist, guide, and support.

Building Lasting Bonds:
At Naleko, we nurture enduring, professional relationships with our clients, founded on trust, respect, and shared successes.

Listening and Learning:
Continuous feedback from our valued customers fuels our drive to learn, grow, and improve, ensuring we meet and exceed your expectations.

What we do?

  • Salesforce

  • AWS

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Google Cloud

  • Oracle Cloud

  • SAP HANA Cloud

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

What we know?